Nicole Grech relates her experience of being Catholic and pregnant before marriage when she was only 20. Eventually, she got married in the Catholic church. “I honestly didn’t want kids at the time. What I wanted was a career. I felt unprepared for what was happening.” “When I looked at the pregnancy test, I thought… […]Read More
This experience, “the death of my brother” is a true story related by a supportive sister who says “it was a privilege” to have helped her younger brother die well as she accompanied him during a terminal illness. It must have been late October or early November when I braced myself: “How long does he […]Read More
Rowena Calleja describes her journey. She did not believe in the God about whom she was taught in her childhood; a god of rules. At 15 she decided that she had had enough of this God and of the Catholic Church. Years later, through an encounter with a true friend whom she met at a […]Read More
When it comes to spiritual conversion experience, I believe there is no one size fits all, no foolproof formula that can be endlessly repeated. We are talking about deliverance from bondage and the resulting freedom here. It is one of the most relevant issues not only of Christians but of mankind in general. This is […]Read More
This article offers an understanding of who the prostituted woman is. It outlines the negative effects of prostitution both on the woman and on society. It discusses the question of whether legalising prostitution makes it safer and to what extent can it be said that prostitution is “just another job”. This interview has been held […]Read More
What’s in happiness? Counselling psychologist and CARITAS Malta director Dr Anthony Gatt says that what makes most people happy are when people have some money, invest in relationships, lead a simple lifestyle, live with appreciation and acceptance, are altruistic, have a good laugh and have a meaning for living. #Happiness 1: Adequate Means To Go […]Read More
As we will soon celebrate Jesus’ birth we asked a few people around: “What difference does Jesus make in your life?” Here are their answers which they shared to make more visible for themselves and others the joy and hope informing their lives. Difference 1 – “Jesus Gives Me Energy & Meaning” “In my life […]Read More
Indri Attard likes to be original. He browses on the internet to see what Holy Family sculptures are available. Then he makes sure that his is completely different. In this interview Indri Attard talks about his commissioned work of a Holy Family sculpture and the meaning behind it. Holy Family Sculpture – Mary in her […]Read More
In this article counselling psychologist and CARITAS Malta director Anthony Gatt gives helpful tips on how to get out of rock bottom situations, those life situations when we find it very hard to see hope and light. Rock bottom meaning & examples The phrase rock bottom can be used when one is feeling heavily weighed […]Read More
This article gives an example of Freud’s Id, Ego and Superego, comparing them to the three main characters found in the gospel parable – the prodigal son. “Be perfect therefore as your Father is perfect” (Mt 5;48) This verse has always confused me. Surely the expectation is a little (or very) unrealistic? It is no […]Read More