Ideas to Help Save the Environment – An A – Z List

 Ideas to Help Save the Environment – An A – Z List

Below is an A-Z list suggesting ideas on how to help save the environment for green Catholics, or rather those people who wish to improve their ways of caring for the world around them in the vision of the social teachings of the Catholic Church. It is much more than being environmental friendly. It’s a way to become more connected with oneself, with nature, the poor, the socially excluded and with God. The number in the brackets near every point indicates the paragraph number from the Pope’s letter On Care For Our Common Home which speaks on the topic. All points are also linked to an article on the topic in case you’d like to read some more. At the bottom you will find a video of Mairin Keegan, a person who tried to implement some ideas at her own home. Enjoy and good luck with your trying!

Growing in the spirit of Laudato SiAre your ways of travelling creating too much pollution? (20)

Boycotting proves to be successful in changing ways business is done. (206)

Creating community spaces wisely with green areas available for the pleasure of all is essential. (44,45)

Decrease pesticides. (34)

Eat local food.

Find time to pray.(233-237)

Get real in your relationships and go beyond the virtual. (47)

Hear the opinions and needs of indigenous people. (145)

Inspire others by consuming less. (203, 222)

Juggling too many things can become tiring. Slow down and rediscover your lost values. (114)

Keep the common good in the first place. (54)

Let’s create biological corridors when building highways, dams etc so that species can emigrate. (35)

Movements in favour of life, the environment and social justice are all related together. (91)

Nature is God’s caress. Enjoy it to recover your true self. (84)

Overconsumption not overpopulation is the real problem. (50)

Purchase fair-trade.

Quick and easy profits can cause terrible injustices,  much greater than the economic benefits to be obtained.(36)

Rest and refresh yourself on Sundays, also through mass. (237, 68, 71)

Supporting small producers is a right and duty of civil authorities. (129)

Turn-off unnecessary light.

Upcycle your clothes.

Value and protect biodiversity, especially those found in wild forests and coastal zones. (24, 32-42, 169, 190)

Water should be at a price that the poor can afford. (27-31)

Xtra airline miles? Consider donating your unused reward points to an environmental charity

You  can do your part in caring for creation because we all do some small ecological damage. (8)

Zooming through many data and screens can create mental pollution. (47)

Becoming a green Catholic is a process which involves lifestyle changes to respect the environment and fellow human beings. Pope Francis thinks that we are at kindergarten level when it comes to holistic ecology. He believes that people are looking for believers when it comes to how to look after God’s creation. Let’s change ourselves and do what we can for creation!


Read more:
– Pope Francis’ Letter – On Care For Our Common Home
Comparing Myself To Others – How To Stop

‘We can all do something small …’

Suzanne Vella

Suzanne Vella has a Masters' Degree in Theology, a Diploma in Spirituality and a Diploma in Digital Marketing.

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