Topics : Joy

World Youth Day – Gone But With Us Still!

Both Filip and Elizabeth attended the last World Youth Day that took place in Lisbon last year! Filip, being polish, and Elizabeth herself Italian, express the long-lasting effect that such an experience left on them. More than 6 months have passed since Lisbon 2023, but the spirit that such a journey of pilgriming together created […]Read More

How Should We React Toward Christ’s Passion?

How should we react toward Christ’s Passion? Should we feel “pity” or “fear”, or something more – perhaps something like “freedom”, “gratitude”, and even “joy”? In what follows, Carla Borg reflects upon the Passion of Christ, subtly showing us that the Spirit of the Resurrection is concretely present even in the most horrific and painful […]Read More

What Is True Joy? – An Advent Reflection

Joy… what is Joy… true Joy? C.S Lewis said that “joy is an unsatisfied desire that is more desirable than any satisfaction”. Here’s what I think he meant! Joy is our companion in life when we seek to be authentic, selfless, and free in the Spirit. Joy is the genuine smile we express, when we […]Read More