This pandemic has rocked the world we know. The word “Covid-19” has become known to all. We are now living in a different world. Our norms have changed. However, there is hope thanks to the vaccine. The lives and livelihoods of the less-educated and lower-paid classes have been threatened by the Covid pandemic more than […]Read More
Today, I resulted negative to Covid-19. This is a poem I wrote while I was in quarantine. Poem: My Covid-19 Experience I received the result on Valentine’s day…“of all days…why today?!” Very mild symptoms; still didn’t feel okay. I had exams to face, I felt afraid. I dare say, I felt betrayed. “After I made […]Read More
Katriona Cassar from Żabbar Malta, an asthmatic, shares her COVID-19 experience. She speaks of the impact of this illness on her life at home and on its aftermath. “I had been taking a lot of precautions, such as shopping online, not visiting family members who do not live in my household and not attending Sunday mass, […]Read More
As I paused to ponder about this year, I felt curious about what people searched for on the internet during this particular year, 2020. Below are some of this year’s Google searches that caught my attention. While some of the keywords of 2020 were fun to read or somewhat surprising, it was fascinating to notice […]Read More
The first weeks of the pandemic were accompanied by singing in balconies, clapping to doctors and nurses, and the words “All will be well!” A few months down the line, front-liners were protesting the irresponsibility of party organizers, Amazon’s founder (Jeff Bezos) saw his wealth rise by an estimated $48 billion while the number of […]Read More
What is the Church in Malta doing during the COVID-19 pandemic? What can be improved? Evaluation of the Church’s response to COVID-19 pandemic in Malta. Solidarity meals One of the main initiatives taken by the Church in Malta during the COVID-19 pandemic is the provision of a meal a day to those who are most […]Read More
Corona Virus Poem – Feeling Proud I’m Feeling Proud … To see eyes making an effort to communicate sympathy while the smiles are still hidden behind the masks. Proud to hear phones ringing to ask how are you doing, while it is still difficult to visit or to meet. Proud to see the importance given […]Read More
MAUNDY THURSDAY 2020 VISITING 7 HOLY PLACES IN YOUR OWN HOME This video describes a kind of journey within your own home for Maundy Thursday 2020. This tradition is a sort of pilgrimage to various churches correspond to each of the seven places, or “stations,” that were made by Jesus between the Last Supper in […]Read More
We are experiencing great contrasts. In a time where we want more closeness we’re called for social distancing to protect life. Our desire for closeness is reignited after a long winter. In a time where we need the stories of the elderly to recover wisdom for uncharted waters, children and young people are asked to […]Read More
CORONA VIRUS POEM – DOING THINGS DIFFERENTLY In this Corona virus poem, the poet gives alternatives of what one can do, keeping in mind the many things that we used to do in our normal life and which we can’t do now during the Corona virus period of lockdown. “It’s time to do things […]Read More