MODERN EASTER POEM: ONE SOLITARY WORD In this poem the poet describes how Mary Magdalene realised that the man she saw was Jesus the risen one when he called her name. She also hopes that at the end of her own life she will also hear Jesus call her name. There’s only one sound I […]Read More
PRAYER FOR SHAME In this prayer for shame the author expresses her moments when she feels ashamed and prays for help to accept her limits. She also expresses her trust in God, the One in whom she finds rest. “I come before you Lord, with all the things that make me feel shameful, weak, vulnerable. […]Read More
POEM ABOUT TIME AND LIFE In this poem about time and life, the poet describes how he has perceived the life and the world during his childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. As a child I looked around me and watched the lofty trees wondering what made them grow so tall, while swaying in […]Read More
A PRAYER FOR THE FEAR OF ABANDONMENT This prayer poem describes the fear of abandonment and the relief found in the person of Jesus Christ. It was written during difficult times of Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a condition experienced by many survivors of child abuse. In your punctured, swollen head In your scourge-torn flesh In the […]Read More
PRAYER TO HELP ME LOSE WEIGHT Dear Father, I would like to be physically healthier. To do so, I know I need to lose weight. Till now, when I wear a fitted dress, I am uncomfortable with the size of my tummy and the breadth of my hips. When I take a photo, I hate […]Read More
LITANY OF CONTRADICTORY THINGS This prayer is based on the words of Jesus “let both grow together” when he was talking about wheat and weeds growing in the same field. Wheat and weeds: let them grow together. Arabs and Jews in Palestine: let them grow together. Greeks and Turks of the Balkans: let them grow together. […]Read More
RADIATING CHRIST PRAYER This Radiating Christ prayer was a favourite prayer of Mother Teresa. It is adapted from the original version of Cardinal John Henry Newman. Dear Jesus, help us to spread your fragrance everywhere we go. Flood our souls with your spirit and life. Penetrate and possess our whole being so utterly, that our […]Read More
DEEP LOVE POEM: WHAT IS LOVE? This poem about deep love describes how multifaceted love is. It describes both love between people and love as a feeling and experience. Love cannot be described or explained in words. A person can experience love and know it is love; one can give love and feel s/he has […]Read More
A PRAYER FOR DOUBT AND UNBELIEF In this prayer for doubt and unbelief written by Paolo Coelho, the author asks the Lord to protect his doubts, decisions, actions, dreams, his enthusiasm and his very own life. Lord protect our doubts, because doubt is a way of praying. It is what makes us grow, because it […]Read More
POEM: SHORT PRAYER FOR WELLBEING Lord grant me serenity And in your wisdom peace To render unto world, good What wrong it gave me cease Lord in your unending patience Make fit what I do bad To enter through to Heaven Heart happy and mind glad Lord, I have to thank you For all that […]Read More