Advent is a Season that contains a tremendous depth of spiritual richness! If lived out properly, it can cultivate our wonder, lift our eyes to the gift that is all creation, compel us to see our desires as a pathway to divinity, soften our wounds, and finally, shed light upon the sanctity that each of […]Read More
BEAUTY QUOTES Beauty Quote 1 – Anne Frank “Beauty remains, even in misfortune.” Anne Frank Beauty Quote 2 – The Bible “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading […]Read More
TOP POPES’ QUOTES ABOUT SCIENCE 1. The Church in favour of science “The Church and her Pastors are not opposed to true and solid science, whether human or divine, but that they embrace it, encourage it, and promote it with the fullest possible dedication.” Pope Leo 13th, Vatican Observatory, 1891 2. Science is a gift […]Read More
TOP POPE FRANCIS’ PRISON QUOTES Pope Francis has made it a priority during his papacy to visit prisons and talk about them. Here are ten of his quotes. 1. Improve living conditions “With regard to prisoners, it would appear that in many cases practical measures are urgently needed to improve their living conditions, with particular […]Read More
This brilliant message about being happy is a loose English translation of “Palco de vida” attributed to the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935) not Pope Francis as some online posts have attributed. I have searched the Vatican website but this text is nowhere to be seen. In this link the author discusses the authorship of […]Read More
TOP POPES’ HOLINESS QUOTES 1. Do not be afraid of holiness “Do not be afraid of holiness. It will take away none of your energy, vitality or joy. On the contrary, you will become what the Father had in mind when he created you, and you will be faithful to your deepest self.” Pope Francis, […]Read More
Eucharistic Adoration Quotes By Pope Francis 1. With silent adoration, we get to know the Lord “One cannot know the Lord without this habit of adoring, of adoring in silence. I believe, if I am not mistaken, this prayer of adoration is the prayer least known by us, it is the one we do the […]Read More
Top Pope Francis’ Quotes On Death 1. The question of death is a question of life “The question of death is the question of life, and keeping the question of death open, perhaps, is the greatest human responsibility so as to keep the question of life open…But the oblivion of death is also its beginning, […]Read More
CHRISTIAN EASTER MESSAGES FOR FACEBOOK These Christian Easter messages for Facebook or any other place you deem fit have their text written under each image: Christian Easter Message 1 “Every crack has the ability to let the light in. We sometimes speak of a crack in our lives, an area where we are […]Read More
These Christian Christmas messages for Facebook can also be used in any other place you deem fit. The text in the image is also written under the image: Christmas Message 1 For Unto Us A Child Is Born… This Christmas let Jesus be the Child within you. This coming year let Him lead you to […]Read More