In this interview Fr Stephen Magro, a Maltese Franciscan friar, describes suffering as experienced by the patient, by the medical staff and by the family and dear ones.“Life has a meaning inspite of suffering” says Fr Stephen, who has both experienced suffering himself and also accompanied people in suffering. “Even though we question and don’t […]Read More
In this article “The Death of My Old Mother”, her daughter recounts how she has experienced the death of her mother and its aftermath. Two days after Christmas, she had not woken at half-past six, as usual, to recite the rosary with the radio, and then, hear mass through the same medium. “Mother . . […]Read More
Alessandro Serenelli was the murderer of eleven year old Maria Goretti. This article features a letter which he wrote towards the end of his life. When he was twenty he made sexual advances towards Maria, his neighbour, but she refused to submit. He stabbed her fourteen times. She died the next day. Her last words […]Read More
“You can’t really explain it, you have to be there to understand it,” says Anna Whitehead, a young Londoner from the Diocese of Westminster who attended World Youth Day 2016 in Poland. World Youth Day is about good memories, good input and interesting discoveries “My head abuzz with crazy memories, snippets of talks, and interesting […]Read More
World Youth Day 2016 was held in Poland with the theme: “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall find mercy.” (Mt 5:7) Abigail Pace a Maltese youth and Sarah Borg, a Maltese pilgrim who traveled with MAGIS share their comments on their experience. Sarah: “Throughout this year, only God knows the number of times I […]Read More
Are fame and power contrary to a life of faith, or do they help believers develop their relationship with God? This is a list of 10 famous, practising Christian celebrities who make space for faith in their careers. 1. Faith in the Wild, Anglican , Bear Grylls You would expect a man dropped in the wild with nothing but a […]Read More
This article gives a general overview of how toys are manufactured. The toy industry is an US$83 billion dollar global giant. Toys are in high demand all over the world, especially around Christmas time. In order to meet these demands there is a human and environmental cost. Child labour, worker deaths, suicide and eco-disasters are […]Read More
Universe of Faith interviewed Ms Maria Attard, Director of Ġużeppa Debono Home in Gozo, a residential home for supporting single mothers and a hub for educational activities for the young generation. This home has offered its services successfully for almost 40 yrs. Maria Attard has been chosen as one of the women inspiring Europe in […]Read More
“Because I experience same-sex attractions, I get bombarded by that kind of stuff, and have been praying about how I can respond in a loving way, without compromising my faith. I have friends who are closely tied to LGBTQ movements, and I know in their hearts, they are truly doing what they think is best. […]Read More
Josephine* related how she felt scared as she ended up in an unplanned pregnancy with her third child. Her therapist Eleanor Borg from Crisis Pregnancy Centre HOPE describes the process of adjusting that Josephine went through and how eventually she welcomed her child as a gift. “I am 23 years old. A year ago I got pregnant with my […]Read More