The Love of Christmas in Famous Christmas Characters

A short reflection about love as lived by famous Christmas characters from the Bible during the birth of Christ…
Jesus –
Love is the small baby Jesus.
Love humbles itself.
Mary –
Love is that young girl Mary, who believed in the words of the angel and said “yes” to the call. Love believes and obeys.
Joseph –
Love is Saint Joseph who accepted what he could not understand. With love we realise that there are things we can never understand.
Elizabeth –
Love is Elizabeth who feels so happy when she hears the good news of her relative. Love is not jealous but rejoices in the good that happens to others.
Jesus’ parents –
Love is Mary and Joseph who kept knocking on the doors. Love keeps trying and remains steadfast till the end in spite of difficulties.
The Inn-Keeper –
Love is the inn-keeper who, in spite of his limited resources, made room for Mary and Joseph, by offering the very last space he had left. This was good enough. Love gives from the little she has.
The Wise Men –
Love is the magi who despite their wisdom, trusted in a sign they met along the way. Love notices the signs along the journey of life, trusts in them and walks forward accordingly.
The Shepherds –
Love is the shepherds who despite their simplicity of life, believed and went to adore Jesus. Love is simple. Love believes and adores.
The Cow & The Donkey –
Love is the cow and the donkey, the lesser ones who protected and warmed the little baby. Those who love do not say I am not good enough but know that God can use them to do great things.
Simeon –
Love is old Simeon whose heart was made complete as soon as he saw Jesus being presented at the temple. Love fills the void, gives rest to the heart and knows God. Simeon recognised God as he had been waiting for the him!
Us –
Love is you and me. With Jesus in our hearts, we can make a difference in each others’ lives.
Published: December 2017
Read more:
– Top Popes’ Christmas Quotes
– Feeling Insecure – Love As The Greatest Security