Top Pope Francis’ Quotes on Easter

1. Easter is the feast of hope
“Dear sister, dear brother, even if in your heart you have buried hope, do not give up: God is greater. Darkness and death do not have the last word. Be strong, for with God nothing is lost!”
Pope Francis, Homily, April 2020
2. Easter celebrates the glory of love not of applause and audiences
“At Easter, God finally reveals His glory: He takes away the last veil and astonishes us as never before. We discover, in fact, that God’s glory is all love: pure love, mad and unthinkable, beyond every limit and measure…True glory is the glory of love, because it is the only one that gives life to the world. Certainly this glory is the opposite of worldly glory, which comes when one is admired, praised, acclaimed. The glory of God, on the other hand, is paradoxical: no applause, no audience. At the center there is not the ego, but the other.
Pope Francis, Angelus, April 2019
3. Easter is the feast of tombstones rolled away
“Why do you think that everything is hopeless, that no one can take away your own tombstones? Why do you give in to resignation and failure? Easter is the feast of tombstones taken away, rocks rolled aside. God takes away even the hardest stones against which our hopes and expectations crash: death, sin, fear, worldliness.”
Pope Francis, Homily, April 2019
4. Easter is the exodus to love and goodness
“This is what Easter is: it is the exodus, the passage of human beings from slavery to sin and evil to the freedom of love and goodness. Because God is life, life alone, and we are his glory: the living man.”
Pope Francis, Easter Sunday message, 31st March 2013
5. Easter brought radical news for all the world
“Easter is the event that brought radical news for every human being, for history and for the world: the triumph of life over death; it is the feast of reawakening and of rebirth. Let us allow our lives to be conquered and transformed by the Resurrection!”
Pope Francis, Regina Cæli, 6th April 2015
6. To celebrate Easter is to allow Jesus to triumph
“To celebrate Easter is to believe once more that God constantly breaks into our personal histories, challenging our “conventions”, those fixed ways of thinking and acting that end up paralyzing us. To celebrate Easter is to allow Jesus to triumph over the craven fear that so often assails us and tries to bury every kind of hope.”
Pope Francis, Homily, 31st March 2018
7. Easter sacraments renew our life and our relationships
“The grace contained in the Sacraments of Easter (Baptism and Communion) is an enormous potential for the renewal of our personal existence, of family life, of social relations. However everything passes through the human heart: if I let myself be touched by the grace of the Risen Christ, if I let him change me in that aspect of mine which is not good, which can hurt me and others, I allow the victory of Christ to be affirmed in my life, to broaden its beneficial action.”
Pope Francis, Regina Cæli, 1st April 2013
8. We are a people of hope
“Let us not quench the wavering flame (cf. Is 42:3) that never falters, and let us allow hope to be rekindled.”
Pope Francis, Blessing To The City And To The World, 27th March 2020
Read more:
– Easter Poem: One Solitary Word
– Top Pope Francis Holy Spirit Quotes