Daily Prayers

Image by Mehmet Turgut Kirkgoz from Pixabay
These daily prayers below are taken from the youth prayer book YOUCAT and the Jesuit prayer book Hearts on Fire.
The text of each prayer can be found beneath each image.
Morning prayer – I Let My Joy Free (full-text)
I let my joy free, like a bird, up to the sky.
The night has flown by, and I delight in the light.
Lord, I am happy this day, this morning.
The birds and the angels are singing, and I rejoice as well.
The universe and our hearts are open to your grace.
I feel my body alive,
and give thanks.
Lord, I delight in creation,
and the knowledge that you are behind it,
and beside, and before, and above it.
And in us too.
The Psalms sing of your love,
the prophets proclaim it,
and we experience it.
I let my joy free, like a bird, up to the sky.
A new day, that glistens and rustles
and rejoices with your love.
You make each day,
and each day you number
the curls on my head.
Allelulia, Lord.
A prayer from Africa

Mid-day prayer – Sometimes, For A Moment
Sometimes, for a moment,
I pause,
in the midst of the troubles of the day;
I close my eyes and ears,
and for a moment I am happy;
for I am not alone;
You are there, my God. Amen.
Evening prayer – Into Your Hands, Dear Lord
“Into your hands, dear Lord, I return this day.
You have given it to me, now I give it back to you.
Preserve in me what you have given me.
May the seed sprout that you have sown today,
and may you complete what I was only able to begin.”
A prayer for parents – For My Parents
O God whom we obey in honoring our parents,
look down mercifully, I beseech you, on those to whom in your providence I owe my being.
May they grow daily in faith, hope and charity.
Implant deeply in their hearts the conviction that as you are the beginning of all things so to you must all return.
Grant them health and prosperity while life lasts,
pour upon them the abundance of your grace.
Defend and preserve them by your all-powerful hand.
May my Christian life,
in meeting their fondest expectations
and fulfilling their hopes,
be the consolation of their last years.
May they die the death of the just.
May they pass quickly to their heavenly home,
and may I join them there,
their dutiful child for all eternity. Amen
Daniel A. Lord SJ
Read more:
– Catholic Prayers For Strength And Hope
– The Benefits Of Prayer On The Physical And Psychological Well-Being
– Prayers For Media