POEM: PEACE, NO TO WAR In this poem about war and peace, the poet describes the weakness in what seems to be powerful from the outside and how loving in simplicity brings peace of heart. Peace be with you The nation that built its power on slaves The state that holds death in awe and […]Read More
POEM – WHERE IS GOD? In this poem, the poet speaks about spiritual doubt especially when faced by negative experiences like death and other mishaps. He partially finds the answer to his question in the psalms. ‘Where is God now?’, I have been asked. ‘Where is God when his children die? Where is God when […]Read More
Prayer For Injustice In this heartfelt prayer for injustice, Mother Teresa prays for different categories of people who are suffering an injustice and prays for forgiveness of those who are unintentionally part of a system that perpetuates injustice. O God, we pray for all those in our world who are suffering from injustice: For those […]Read More
WHO IS GOD? “TO ME GOD IS” – POEM God is THE FATHER , offering us unconditional love, THE MOTHER , promising us eternal tender care, THE GIFT , giving Himself to us, THE WORD , becoming flesh and dwelling amongst us, THE TRUTH , bearing witness to Himself, THE REVEALER , showing Himself as […]Read More
Prayer For The Dignity Of Human Life Lord and giver of all life, help us to value each person, created in love by you. In your mercy, guide and assist our efforts to promote the dignity and value of all human life, born and unborn. Read more: – “I’m Catholic And Pregnant Before Marriage” – […]Read More
Prayer Of Abandonment In God This prayer of abandonment in God by Charles De Foucauld was of great comfort to Father Jacques Mourad , a great contributor to religious dialogue, who used to recite this prayer when he was captured by ISIS in Syria between May-Oct 2015. “Father, I abandon myself into your hands; do with me […]Read More
CREATIVE EVOLUTION SHORT POEM ABOUT GOD’S CREATION When God created us we really knoweth not. We know, for sure, He took five long days to make Sun, moon, Earth and seas, plants, animals the lot Oak trees, thrushes, tigers, crabs, hill, desert, lake. One other day spent to craft: a puzzle solved? His best creation, […]Read More
Prayer For Body Acceptance The author of this prayer lives with celebral palsy “Father, there are days when it’s hard to accept my body; I hate looking at my outward appearance. I hate being me. Thank you so much for your word. I am your child and you are not ashamed of my body. You […]Read More
WHEN SEPARATED FROM YOUR HOME In this poem about being away from home, the poet describes the many places and people who feel home for us and how life can change or separate us from them all except from the Ultimate One. The first home is the womb, They cut our connection of umbilical […]Read More