Lesbain, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex and Questioning Some people from this community fight for full equality, others prefer to lead chaste lives. Some join religious groups who try to change the teachings of the Church, others join Christian groups who feel comfortable to comply with Church teachings on LGBTIQ issues. Some have experienced bullying for […]Read More
Then fact that Jesus did not sin, can we say that he was fully human? Fr Mark Sultana replies why to the question – is Jesus fully human: Jesus Had A Body Like Each One Of Us Jesus is the Son of God who became human, he is, and remains, the second person of the […]Read More
If Jesus Said "Do This In Memory Of Me" Why Does the Church Teach That There is the Real Presence
Fr Mark Sultana replies that there is the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist because the words “in memory of me” in the Hebrew mindset mean more that just “remembering”. It’s about “re-experiencing.” One must keep in mind that, in Jesus’ Hebrew mindset, to remember is far more than recalling an event; it is a re-presentation […]Read More
POEM – WHAT IS PRAYER? In the morning, in the evening, any time. sitting, standing, kneeling, lying. at home, at work, at Church at play. in the silence of nature, in the busy city routine. planned, spontaneous. a personal and private process, with others in the community. …a space where God speaks …a space where […]Read More
Founder of the World Youth Alliance Anna Halpine says that human dignity is “the deepest sense of the reality of who we are and nothing we do can take away that dignity from us. Human dignity is this worth in value that every person has as a human being. The great adventure of human life is to try and […]Read More
Small simple ideas on how to help the poor, especially the ones living around you: 1. Who Are The Poor You Can Help? Become aware of what’s going on in your family/street/work etc. Who are the poor in your surroundings? Is there a colleague a disabled or sick child whose expenses are beyond his wage? An […]Read More
This list of all the Church Fathers of the Catholic Church was compiled by Fr Joe Buhagiar Bianco SJ 1. The 5 Apostolic Fathers : 1st Century Clement, Bishop of Rome (30-100) Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch (30-107) Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna (69-155) Barnabas (priest?) (between 70 and 132) Mathetes, Epistle to Diognetus 2. The Post-apostolic […]Read More
The Fathers of the Catholic Church are also known as founding fathers, early fathers or apostolic fathers. Some of them were even saints or martyrs, they were willing to die for the truth they had been given. The area of study of these early Christian leaders is called Patristics. It all begins a few decades […]Read More
Running, sleeping, healing, helping, hugging, speaking, we experience them all through our body. So much is said about the body: having the best body, how to make your body look better etc etc. Living as humans not angels, our body is truly an integral part of who we are. St. Paul speaks of our bodies […]Read More
Fr Paul Chetcuti SJ explains the meaning and the Catholic vision of afterlife and heaven, of what happens when you die. “Afterlife is pure relationship without the brokenness we experience in this world..” When I die, I will be liberated from my bodily needs because relationship itself becomes the beginning and the end of all that I am. In […]Read More