Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink? Jn: 4, 7. A reflection on the spiritual thirst we experience in our life based on the Bible story of the Samaritan woman. Fr Paul Chetcuti shares his reflection… A love-thirsty life We thirst for so many things; a better life, more peace and greater serenity. But […]Read More
In this imaginary monologue, Sarah DeGaetano reflects on the prodigal son father’s point of view based on the biblical parable of the prodigal son. She describes this father’s thoughts, prayers and questions he might have asked outlining this father’s great unconditional love, concern and mercy; his constant waiting and hope; and finally his great joy upon the eventual return of his […]Read More
The word “saint” refers to all those persons who when they were alive, tried to live a holy life, meaning, a person who tried to love in some way or another. Saints were normal people just like us. This could be by being kind, gentle, merciful, listening, wise, joyful, peaceful, faithful or hardworking towards the needs […]Read More
This article describes the story of the first ever Santa Claus, the real Santa Claus who was really Saint Nicholas (or Saint Nick). We will see how his character eventually become included in poetry, and song and the changes that were made to his image through advertising. Nicholas – The man who loved to help […]Read More
Fr Sandro Vella. O.Carm replies… these are choices that include. I admit that there are Biblical texts where God seems to choose between one and the other. Many a time this choice is done in view of his plan. The one who is not chosen is not destroyed but is given another role. I am […]Read More
Maria Teresa Spinelli was an Italian woman who journeyed from a separated woman to a head of school. She became foundress of the Congregation of Augustinian Sisters, Servants of Jesus and Mary. In October 2016, Pope Francis advanced the cause of sainthood. He remarked that Maria Teresa Spinelli lived a life of heroic virtues and declared her “venerable”. […]Read More
MARRIAGE IN TODAY’S SOCIETY Marriage in today’s society requires more effort Marriage in today’s society carries a more complex meaning and requires more sustained effort than the economic or social pairings of the past two decades. In past generations, the learning process used to begin at the knees of the father and mother, with their […]Read More
This article brings out Mother Teresa’s personality traits. This is an interview with Jesuit Fr Paul Chetcuti who lived with Mother Teresa for five months working in Mother Teresa’s homes run by the Missionaries of Charity and at the Sisters Mother House. Mother Teresa’s ministry arrived at a critical moment in Calcutta’s history, in the late 1940s, when […]Read More