Massimo* shares his drugs, alcohol and gambling addiction and recovery experience and how his faith helped him accept himself and rebuild his life. He is now a B.A. Hons in Social Policy graduate from the University of Malta. As a young boy, at the age of 6-7, being the youngest in the family I used […]Read More
For me personally, God’s most clear and most effective conduit of his Spirit has always been literature. “Lord . . . culture, custom, art, science, literature, can all serve as conduits of your Spirit . . .” This is part of a prayer in my Lent and Easter book. Books have always been my great […]Read More
A youthworker describes a particular moment of accompanying a young adult who had just been released out of prison and was searching for meaning… The young man’s reason for coming to see me was not particularly plausible. I answered his question, but he did not leave. He wanted to talk, though not about a particular […]Read More
We had been in the same class at secondary school. She was then a beautiful, extremely lively teenager, and quite popular. Her family was well-off: her father, a successful businessman. All along the years she spent at school with me, she had been burdened with the responsibility of three younger siblings, but she managed them […]Read More
Catholic baptism meaning. In this beautiful letter which a mother and a father residing in Malta wrote to their baby daughter, they explain what Catholic baptism means and why they chose to baptise her as a baby. Dear Louisa, You are old enough now to read this message from mum and dad. This message is […]Read More
The words “cohabitation” and “Catholic” do not really go together. Clara* had been living with her boyfriend for 18 months. When she went to confession, the priest did not want to give her absolution. It was then when she asked herself, “Is what I’m doing so wrong?!” Clara shares her experience of cohabitation and why […]Read More
Darren Bonnici relates his memories of his grandma’s faith and way of life. Grandma Carm – a commoner, a special woman, and a woman of faith. 7th August 2014. Today, at 1:45 pm, my grandma, passed away to eternal life. When I was ten years old, I was at her home. She received a telephone […]Read More
One of Annabelle Bonello’s big family decisions: will she take care of her family and widowed mother or pursue her career as a teacher? “When I look back on my life I realise that I was faced with some challenging decisions which have affected the course of my life. My father passed away at quite […]Read More