Top Pope Francis’ Quotes on Advent

Terracotta Holy Family Statue by Indri Attard, Malta
1. This advent verify your longing for God
“Advent is the time we are given to welcome the Lord who comes to encounter us, and also to verify our longing for God, to look forward and prepare ourselves for Christ’s return.”
Pope Francis, Angelus, 3rd December 2017
2. This advent find time to pray
“Advent is thus a favourable time to pray with greater intensity, to reserve to the spiritual life the important place it deserves.”
Pope Francis, Angelus, 10th December 2017
3. Mary sustains our waiting for God
“Mary sustains our journey toward Christmas, for she teaches us how to live this Advent Season in expectation of the Lord. For this time of Advent is a time of waiting for the Lord, who will visit us all on the feast, but also, each one, in our own hearts. The Lord is coming! Let us wait for him!” (image available at the bottom of the page)
Pope Francis, Angelus, 8 December 2013
4. Let advent prepare you for the final meeting with Christ
“During Advent we do not just live in anticipation of Christmas; we are also called to rekindle the anticipation of the glorious return of Christ, when he will return at the end of time , preparing ourselves, with consistent and courageous choices, for the final encounter with him. We remember Christmas, we await the glorious return of Christ, and also our personal encounter: the day in which the Lord will call.”
Pope Francis, Angelus, 2nd December 2018
5. This advent commit yourself in favour of the needy
“Advent invites us to a commitment to vigilance, looking beyond ourselves, expanding our mind and heart in order to open ourselves up to the needs of people, of brothers and sisters, and to the desire for a new world. It is the desire of many people tormented by hunger, by injustice and by war. It is the desire of the poor, the weak, the abandoned. This is a favourable time to open our hearts, to ask ourselves concrete questions about how and for whom we expend our lives.”
Pope Francis, Angelus, 2nd December 2018
6. This advent be amazed by newness
“In this season of Advent, we are called to expand the horizons of our hearts, to be amazed by the life which presents itself each day with newness. In order to do this, we must learn to not depend on our own certainties, on our own established strategies, because the Lord comes at a time that we do not imagine. He comes to bring us into a more beautiful and grand dimension.”
Pope Francis, Angelus, 27th November 2016
7. Advent restores hope!
“The season of Advent, restores this horizon of hope, a hope which does not disappoint for it is founded on God’s Word. A hope which does not disappoint, simply because the Lord never disappoints! He is faithful! He does not disappoint! Let us think about and feel this beauty.”
Pope Francis, Angelus, 1st December 2013
8. This advent be drawn towards God
“Advent is a journey towards Bethlehem. May we let ourselves be drawn by the light of God made man.”
Pope Francis, Twitter, 21 Dec 3013
9. Advent reminds us that our life is in waiting
“God always answers: maybe today, tomorrow, but he always answers, in one way or another. He always answers. The Bible repeats it countless times: God listens to the cry of those who invoke Him. Even our reluctant questions, those that remain in the depths of our heart, that we are ashamed to express: the Father listens to them and wishes to give us the Holy Spirit, which inspires every prayer and transforms everything. Brothers and sisters, in prayer there is always a question of patience, always, of supporting the wait. Now we are in the time of Advent, a time that is typically of expectation; of expectation of Christmas. We are in waiting. This is clear to see. But all our life is also in waiting. And prayer is always in expectation, because we know that the Lord will answer.” (image available at the bottom of the page)
Pope Francis, Audience, 9th Dec 2020
Advent Quotes Catholic
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