Topics : Sin

In Search of Beauty | A Poem by Jacob Fiott

It’s not easy to see beauty in a “crucified world”. Is there really beauty around us: despite the immanent strife, pain, and death we all face? And if there is, how can we be more open to it? How can we let it guide us? Jacob Fiott explores all this (and more) in his recently […]Read More

A Slow, Genuine, Spiritual Conversion Experience

When it comes to spiritual conversion experience, I believe there is no one size fits all, no foolproof formula that can be endlessly repeated. We are talking about deliverance from bondage and the resulting freedom here. It is one of the most relevant issues not only of Christians but of mankind in general. This is […]Read More

Top Famous People’s Quotes About Sin

TOP FAMOUS PEOPLE’S QUOTES ABOUT SIN “And sin, young man, is when you treat people like things.” Terry Pratchett “The Seven Social Sins are: Wealth without work. Pleasure without conscience. Knowledge without character. Commerce without morality. Science without humanity. Worship without sacrifice. Politics without principle.” Frederick Lewis Donaldson Read more: – Top Pope Francis’ Prison Quotes […]Read More

Pope Francis’ Quotes on Sin

POPE FRANCIS’ QUOTES ON SIN 1. Sin is hypocrisy “Sin is to assert and profess a way of life , ‘I’m a Christian’ , and then to live as a pagan who believes in nothing. This amounts to sin because it lacks testimony: faith confessed is life lived.” Pope Francis, Morning Meditation, 10 November 2014 […]Read More