Prayer to Thank God

Lord God – Your Presence embraces me.
I abide in You as a fish breathes in pure water.
In You I live, in You I move, in You I respite.
I cannot possibly flee from your presence.
Lord God – We cannot see You, but creation, Your handiwork, reveals You.
Even our unaided reason cannot avoid proclaiming You God of all providence.
Lord God – How happy I am to be Your creature!
I could not be anybody else’s for You alone are omnipotent.
Lord God – Wherever I gaze, everywhere I discern Your providence.
You really love all Your creatures and You despise none (of them).
Lord God – Much You’ve loved us in creating us to Your image and likeness!
Much You’ve exalted us! We are much grateful for Your self-revelation.
Lord God – It is more than reasonable to trust in You and to have recourse to You,
once You assured us on Your delight in abiding among us.
Lord God – When I meditate Your goodness, I am drawn to You.
Surely, no one is good except You.
You are benevolence itself: no harm emanates from You, only good.
Lord God – You must surely be all fortitude able to bear all our human evil.
How far above our understanding are all Your ways!
I remain still for I know that You are at the helm.
Lord God – You are lovable.
He who hates You is hating himself.
Nature itself condemns him for naturally we love those who love us.
And who loved us as You love us? You loved us before we ever thought of loving You.
Lord God – You are all knowing.
Past and future are present to You.
You are immutable, ever the same yesterday, today and forever.
Excerpt from “Domine Deus , a prayer from Saint George Preca
Translated from Maltese by the Society of Christian Doctrine
Read more:
– Between A Gay Catholic And God
– Why Is it So Hard To Believe God Loves Me