Prayer for Shame

In this prayer for shame the author expresses her moments when she feels ashamed and prays for help to accept her limits. She also expresses her trust in God, the One in whom she finds rest.
“I come before you Lord, with all the things that make me feel shameful, weak, vulnerable. You know everything about me. You’ve seen me embarrassed, running breathlessly for a place to hide; you were with me when I was afraid. You know exactly what makes me feel insecure and fragile. And yet, you love me unconditionally. You look beyond all that fills me with shame and see me for the precious, unique person you created, a daughter of God.
Help me to accept my limitations, my faulty tendencies and my unhealthy attachments. Help me to embrace my wounds and expose them to your loving healing touch. Thanks for loving me just as I am. In you and only you I find my rest, Lord God, forever and ever. Amen”
Anon – the author wished to remain anonymous.
Published: February 2019
Read more:
– How Can I Heal The Shame I Feel?
– A Prayer To Help Me Lose Weight
1 Comment
I was raised in the catholic faith. My mum was a devout catholic growing up and still is although she is unable to attend mass every day as she once did due to being elderly and infirm. Shame has been a problem for me for as long as I remember and as a child and as an adult shyness was something that people noticed . I believe my shame has origins in exposure to an incident of domestic violence when I was around 4 years of age when my father assaulted my mum and was charged spending a brief period in prison.