Corona Virus Poem – Doing Things Differently

In this Corona virus poem, the poet gives alternatives of what one can do, keeping in mind the many things that we used to do in our normal life and which we can’t do now during the Corona virus period of lockdown.
“It’s time to do things differently:
If you can’t run around, stay put.
If you can’t go out, go deep.
If you can’t meet, cherish more.
If you can’t embrace, just open your heart to welcome those you love.
If you can’t do more things, just accept the things you receive.
If you have time, use it well.
If you can’t mix with others, discover who you are.
If you feel the pinch of loneliness, pray more for others.
If you’re getting bored, start counting your blessings.
When feeling vulnerable, discover your inner strength.
When you don’t know what to do, be happy just to be.
When you’re sad for losing so much, concentrate on giving a little bit more.
Know that life is a series of life-giving deaths.
When you feel like dying, rejoice because your renewed self is being born.
God bless and may this Passion be the source of a new life for all of us in Christ.”
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– Spiritual Thirst – A Reflection On The Samaritan Woman
– Top Pope Francis’ Heart And Mind Rest Quotes