This article explains the importance of rest and leisure in our life, why they are of paramount importance from both a physical and a spiritual perspective. The origins of the word “leisure” It is interesting to note that the term ‘workaholic’ was only coined in 1948. A year later, Josef Pieper penned his Leisure, the Basis […]Read More
Updated 30th May 2020 On the role of spirituality in mental health Dr Michael Galea explains that both research and experience show that taking into consideration one’s spirituality is crucial to offer a holistic treatment contribute to the wellbeing of a person experiencing mental health issues. Research has established a consistent relationship between important life […]Read More
Fr Jimmy Bonnici outlines the difference between secular and Christian spirituality with an emphasis on mindfulness. Values in Secular/Self Spirituality Values in Christian spirituality Search for oneself and a harmonious lifestyle A desire for a harmonious lifestyle, search for God Return to the individual Contact with the sources of life The individual decides […]Read More
Maltese veteran practitioner in the social and youth field Mr Leonard Griscti, says youth leaders in Catholic groups should, “create an ethos where everyone feels welcome, be informed about LGBTIQ realities and culture and help young people adopt a positive attitude towards LGBTIQ people. If all LGBTIQ persons abandon the Church because they feel it rejects […]Read More
What do feminists really want to say? Dr Pauline Dimech, lecturer at the University of Malta and member of the Society of Christian Doctrine, MUSEUM, discusses women in the Church and feminist issues in both the universal Church and the Church in Malta. She says that at University level, the Church in Malta is investing […]Read More
American journalist Marty Nemko considers family to be overrated, she says family is given too much importance: “Politicians, clerics, and just plain folks extol family as our most important institution. I believe family is overrated. So many people suffer inordinately from family. Millions of people don’t even speak with a family member. Millions more spend years […]Read More
Fr David Cefai SJ replies to the question “why is it so hard to believe God loves me?” “It is a great temptation to feel it’s hard to believe that God loves you. However, no matter how you feel, God is always present in your life. Whether you feel abandoned or you feel loved, God is […]Read More
Alfred E. Baldacchino, makes a point on the importance of indigenous and endemic plants and the concerns associated with introducing alien species in a country. This article refers particularly to the biodiversity of Malta. “In the 1970s the government of Malta introduced Acacias trees which are detrimental to some people suffering from asthma, allergies, sinusitis […]Read More
Does Time Heal Grief? In this article, bereavement specialist Ms Bernardette Briffa says that giving yourself the permission and the time to grieve is imperative to heal from grief and loss. She gives six helpful tips to deal with unfinished grief. Goodbye means “ouch!” Saying goodbye is always stressful. If you’ve ever had to say it, […]Read More
Below is an A-Z list suggesting ideas on how to help save the environment for green Catholics, or rather those people who wish to improve their ways of caring for the world around them in the vision of the social teachings of the Catholic Church. It is much more than being environmental friendly. It’s a way to become more connected […]Read More