Our world is anything but an ideal one. Many people struggle to conform to an elusive image of perfection in this non-ideal world of ours. This often leads to discouragement in the spiritual life and sometimes also to a certain cynicism, leading some to ask whether we can even speak of right or wrong when […]Read More
This article is about gaming and religion. It explains how different generations look at gaming and proposes gaming as a Catechetical language. Cultural theorist Johan Huizinga argues that, as Homo ludens, we are born to play. During gameplay, gamers are invited to embrace the game’s world once they have crossed the membrane of the videogame. […]Read More
2021, have you thought about doing any new year resolution? On the internet you can find tons of ideas on what to do: applications that help you spend money wisely and make a budget; cook something new every week; read at least a book weekly; drink less alcohol, quit smoking; start climbing the stairs instead […]Read More
What is artificial intelligence? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a broad concept which is becoming harder to define. As AI researcher Nick Bostrom explains, the more AI is being incorporated into our daily lives, such as in the algorithms which reshuffle our social media walls and in the technology of general home appliances, the less we […]Read More
In this interview, Gina Debattista, a Gestalt psychotherapist and senior visiting lecturer at the University of Malta, speaks about changes in the Catholic Church that she wishes to see. She also speaks of her hopes for a future Church made up of committed Catholics. Change 1 –Social Justice as a necessary outcome of prayer […]Read More
Why care for our common home? Musician Fr Rob Galea, a Maltese priest living in Australia, shares a few words about Pope Francis’ letter “On Care For Our Common Home” and its relevance in today’s scenario dominated by Covid-19. The heart of a Pope who loves the heart of a loving God “When I first […]Read More
These four Maltese professionals from different sectors of society share a common passion, they love the environment, and they have all read Pope Francis’ letter On Care Of Our Common Home. On the occasion of Laudato Si Week 2020, 16th-24th May, they tells us what inspires them from this encyclical and its relevance in today’s […]Read More
Peter Farrugia is a PhD candidate lecturing at the University of Malta in the Department of Youth and Community Studies. Peter’s main interest is in youth work and how it relates to youth psychotherapy and existential loss. Peter also studied theology and spirituality at the University of Malta and the University of Cambridge. Here, he […]Read More
This article explains what is evasive behaviour and how you can get out of it. Understanding Evasive Behaviour You’re in the midst of a difficult and unpleasant task. You take out your mobile, and before you know it, you’ve spent 20 minutes on social networks. On another time, a painful memory comes to mind, and […]Read More
A basilica is an architectural term for a certain style of building. The term basilica comes from a Greek word meaning regal or kingly. Over the centuries the Catholic Church has used basilica in this sense, with the pope granting the title Minor Basilica to a church that has unusual historical significance, or is especially sacred […]Read More