Top Pope Francis’ Quotes About Marriage

Enrico and Chiara Corbella. Chiara is on the way to sainthood.
1. Marriage is a mix of enjoyment and struggles
“Marriage is an inevitable mixture of enjoyment and struggles, tensions and repose, pain and relief, satisfactions and longings, annoyances and pleasures, but always on the path of friendship, which inspires married couples to care for one another: “they help and serve each other.”
Pope Francis, The Joy of Love, 126, 2016
2. Marriage is so special
“Marriage is of enduring importance. Its essence derives from our human nature and social character. It involves a series of obligations born of love itself, a love so serious and generous that it is ready to face any risk.”
Pope Francis, The Joy of Love, 131, 2016
3. Marriage difficulties can be alleviated by three special words
“Living together is an art, a patient, beautiful, fascinating journey. It does not end once you have won each other’s love… Rather, it is precisely there where it begins! This journey of every day has a few rules that can be summed up in three phrases which you already said, phrases which I have already repeated many times to families, and which you have already learned to use among yourselves: May I — that is, “can I”, you said — thank you, and I’m sorry.
Pope Francis, Address to engaged couples preparing for marriage, 2014
4. Marriage is beautiful
“Marriage is the most beautiful thing that God has created.”
Pope Francis, Address, 1st October 2016
5. A marriage is successful because of its quality
“A marriage is not successful just because it endures; quality is important. To stay together and to know how to love one another forever is the challenge for Christian couples.” (see image below)
Pope Francis, Address, 14th February 2014
6. Marriage is a craftman’s task
“Marriage is also an everyday task, I could say a craftsman’s task, a goldsmith’s work, because the husband has the duty of making the wife more of a woman and the wife has the duty of making the husband more of a man. Growing also in humanity, as man and woman. And this you do together. This is called growing together. This does not come out of thin air! The Lord blesses it but it comes from your hands, from your attitudes, from your way of loving each other.”
Pope Francis, Address, 14th February 2014
7. A good marriage is like a plant
“Marriage is like a plant. It is not an armoire, which is placed there, in the room, and it’s enough to dust it every once in a while. A plant is alive, and it needs to be cared for every day: to see how it is doing, to give it water, and so it goes. Marriage is a living reality: the life of a couple should never be taken for granted, in any phase of a family’s journey.”
Pope Francis, 21st December 2015
8. Husbands and wives need to communicate
“It is so important to listen! Husbands and wives need to communicate to bring happiness and serenity to family life.”
Pope Francis, Twitter, 16th Dec 2014
9. On the fear of forever
“How, then, does one cure this fear of the “forever”? One cures it day by day, by entrusting oneself to the Lord Jesus in a life that becomes a daily spiritual journey, made in steps — little steps, steps of shared growth.”
Pope Francis, Address to engaged couples preparing for marriage, 2014
10. Marriage is the sacrament of the love of Christ and the Church
“Marriage is a symbol of life, real life: it is not “fiction”! It is the Sacrament of the love of Christ and the Church, a love which finds its proof and guarantee in the Cross. My desire for you is that you have a good journey, a fruitful one, growing in love. I wish you happiness. There will be crosses! But the Lord is always there to help us move forward. May the Lord bless you!”
Pope Francis, Homily, Sept 2014
11. The couple is the image of God
“Man and woman are image and likeness of God! This tells us that not only man in himself is the image of God, not only woman in herself is the image of God, but also man and woman, as a couple, are the image of God.”
Pope Francis, General Audience, April 15, 2015
Pope Francis quotes on marriage
Read more:
– Overcoming Fear – “Do Not Be Afraid”
– Unrealistic Expectations Of Others And Of Self
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