Pope Francis’ Inspirational Quotes on Religious Life

1. Consecrated people are meant to bring hope to discouraged hearts
“Totally consecrated to God, they are totally given to their brothers, to bring the light of Christ wherever the shadows are darkest in order to spread his hope to discouraged hearts.”
Pope Francis, Angelus, 2nd Feb 2014
2. Poverty should be lived in concrete terms
“Poverty…should also find concrete expression in your lifestyle, both as individuals and as communities.”
Pope Francis, Korea, 2014
3. Religious people should go against the cultural tides
“We are called to undertake an exodus out of our own selves, setting out on a path of adoration and service. We must go out through that door to seek and meet the people! Have the courage to go against the tide of this culture of efficiency, this culture of waste. Encountering and welcoming everyone, solidarity and fraternity: these are what make our society truly human. Be servants of communion and of the culture of encounter! I would like you to be almost obsessed about this. Be so without being presumptuous.”
Rejoice! A letter to consecrated men and women, Pope Francis, 2014, 10
4. Renewing our love story with God would be good for our consecrated life
“With Jesus we find again the courage to carry on and the strength to remain firm. The encounter with the Lord is the source. It is important then to return to the source: to retrace in our mind the decisive moments of encounter with him, to renew our first love, perhaps writing down our love story with the Lord. This would be good for our consecrated life, so that it does not become a time that passes by, but rather a time of encounter.”
Pope Francis, Homily, 2nd Feb 2019
5. Consecrated life is about life not survival
“Consecrated life is not about survival, it is not about preparing ourselves for dying well: this is the temptation of our days, in the face of declining vocations. No, it is not about survival, but new life. “But there are only a few of us , it’s about new life. It is a living encounter with the Lord in his people. It is a call to the faithful obedience of daily life and to the unexpected surprises from the Spirit. It is a vision of what we need to embrace in order to experience joy: Jesus.”
Pope Francis, Homily, 2nd Feb 2019
6. Consecrated life is about praise and prophetic vision
“This then is the consecrated life: praise which gives joy to God’s people, prophetic vision that reveals what counts. When it is like this, then it flowers and becomes a summons for all of us to counter mediocrity: to counter a devaluation of our spiritual life, to counter the temptation to reduce God’s importance, to counter an accommodation to a comfortable and worldly life, to counter complaints, – complaints! – dissatisfaction and self-pity, to counter a mentality of resignation and “we have always done it this way : this is not God’s way.”
Pope Francis, Homily, 2nd Feb 2019
Pope Francis’ quotes on religious life
Read more:
– “I Lived With Mother Teresa” – Mother Teresa Personality Traits
– “I Compare Myself To Others” – How Can I Stop Doing This?