Living With Cerebral Palsy: My Body Is God’s Temple

There are days that I have a very hard time living in my body. I’m hating my cerebral palsy and dealing with my limitations. I believe the lies that culture screams at me about not adding up to other people. But God’s word breaks through the noisy world and sings to my heart. He redeemed me. He changed my heart. He did this while I was living with cerebral palsy. He’s not ashamed of my outside appearance. To him, my body is his temple. A holy Sanctuary where you can find his Holy Spirit.
How can I let myself get weighed down and tripped up by what others think about me? If my body is good enough for Jesus to use it to show off his light, than it’s ok for me to live in too. I am so much more than the definitions the world tries placing on me. I’m not handicapped, crippled, gimp, retard, and whatever else people use to label others. My identity is in what God says about me. I may have cerebral palsy. But by the grace of God, I belong to him and he’s happy to make me his temple. I’m never alone in my circumstances. Knowing that God is in our circumstances gives us hope that he will use them for his glory and our joy. On my darkest days, I step out to face the world in a body that I trust God is in to big things with. I wait with eager expectation to see how God will use my life that day. He never disappoints. No self-help magazine or feel good talk show can give you this kind of outlook on body image. The world will fail you. God’s Word will never let you down. Enjoy life in your body knowing you belong to him. You make the Lord smile.