Faith And Sports Quotes

1. Sports Unveils The Beauty Of Creation
“I would like to emphasise the role of sports as a means for the mission and sanctification. The Church is called to be a sign of Jesus Christ in the world, also through the sports practiced in oratories, parishes, schools, and associations… Every occasion is good for announcing Christ’s message, “whether the time is favorable or unfavorable (2 Tm 4:2). It is important to bring, to communicate this joy transmitted by sports, which is none other than the discovery of the human potentials that incite us to unveil the beauty of creation and of the human being, made in the image and likeness of God.”
Pope Francis, Message on the Christian perspective of sports and the human person, 2018
2. Sports Persons Can Be Messengers Of The Good News
“Sports can open the way to Christ in those places or environments where, for different reasons, it is not possible to announce Him directly; and people, with their witness of joy, practicing a sport as a community, can be messengers of the Good News.”
Pope Francis, Message on the Christian perspective of sports and the human person, 2018
3. Sports Can Serve As A Building Block For Peace
“May sport always be a valued building block of peace and friendship between peoples and nations.”
Pope Benedict 16th, Papal Letter to Host Diocese of Winter Olympics, 2010
4. Sports Is A Privileged Meeting Place Where People Meet Without Distinction
“Sports is a meeting place where people of all levels and social conditions come together to reach a common aim. In a culture dominated by individualism and the gap between the younger generations and the elderly, sports is a privileged area around which people meet without any distinction of race, sex, religion, or ideology, and where we can experience the joy of competing to reach a goal together.”
Pope Francis, Message on the Christian perspective of sports and the human person, 2018
5. “In the gym, help the most in need”
“I don’t want to see you near the pretty ones, go near the fat and the ugly, those are the most in need.”
A gym owner to his staff – Read more
Read more:
– Prayer To Help Me Lose Weight
– Chicago Running Nun Talks About Faith and Sports