Few weeks after Christmas, and we are already in Lent. From lights to decorations, candles and colours we find ourselves in a sort of barren land covered with ashes. In this Catholic Lenten reflection we ask and reflect… Is Lent a “negative” season following the “positive” Christmas one? Following the Christmas season fundraising marathons, we […]Read More
A short reflection about love as lived by famous Christmas characters from the Bible during the birth of Christ… Jesus – Love is the small baby Jesus. Love humbles itself. Mary – Love is that young girl Mary, who believed in the words of the angel and said “yes” to the call. Love believes and […]Read More
Christmas is a special time in Malta. The same goes for the Society Of Christian Doctrine where Christmas is celebrated with fervour through traditions held from the very days of when their founder Saint George Preca was still alive. One of them is the Street Demonstration With Baby Jesus also known as The Children’s Procession […]Read More
Fr Rene Camilleri – a Catholic priest explains plenary indulgence. I have to admit that this kind of “language” which might have been relevant in certain times, is not going to get across to today’s modern man and woman. However, what the Church is trying to say is that to receive God’s mercy it is imperative to prepare one’s heart […]Read More
Fr Mark Ciantar OFM offers his reflections about protecting nature from a Christian and Jewish perspective, both from his research and experience he had at Frate Jacoba House in Marsascala… “A message from the church, mosque, synagogue or temple, has more power to motivate action than an economic message” ‘There are many ways in which people […]Read More
Vatican bans gluten free hosts – In 2017, Pope Francis reminded Bishops that it is their duty and responsibility to provide the Eucharist in a way that all the people including persons who cannot take gluten can fully participate in mass by receiving holy communion. He also reminded them to watch over the quality of […]Read More
The Natural Family Planning Method has its advantages and disadvantages. It has been strongly correlated with successful planning and prevention of pregnancy, as well as the building of healthy relationships. Yet couples can find difficulties using it as in situations like having a partner work abroad, shift work, breastfeeding, or if one of the partners […]Read More
For Catholics, God is not an impersonal essence or a mere higher power but rather a personal God with whom one may enter into an intimate relationship. The Catholic faith speaks of a trinitarian God, one God but three persons, also known as The Trinity – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Dr […]Read More
Why Is Family Important to Christians? Family is important to Christians because family is about witnessing to the Lord’s faithful love for the Church and for the whole of humanity; family is about making present, in a concrete and daily manner, the reciprocity and beauty of the love that characterises God’s life. Family is a […]Read More
The environment has had a special place in the Catholic Social Teaching of the Church since the 1970s. It is actually one of the main themes in the Catholic Social Doctrine. In the more recent years, Pope Francis, with frankness and freshness, invites all Christians to an environmental conversion, by improving our relationships with other […]Read More