This question about anger management was sent by one of our readers: “Why is it that the more we wish and yearn to do good the more we find ourselves doing wrong especially when it comes to anger?” Firstly, it’s good to be able to share our human struggles such as anger management as we […]Read More
I would like to share a question which has silently tormented me for the past 10 years: Do we meet our loved ones in the afterlife? Can God, who is Love itself, give us in this earthly life, persons to love and who love us only to be separated from them forever when death sets […]Read More
The first weeks of the pandemic were accompanied by singing in balconies, clapping to doctors and nurses, and the words “All will be well!” A few months down the line, front-liners were protesting the irresponsibility of party organizers, Amazon’s founder (Jeff Bezos) saw his wealth rise by an estimated $48 billion while the number of […]Read More
As part of the celebrations of the Season of Creation (1st Sept – 4th Oct) Fr Jimmy Bonnici gives an ecological conversion definition in this article. Through the encyclical ‘On Care for Our Common Home‘, he demonstrates how an eco-conversion implies a new way how we look at, interact and behave in front of creation. […]Read More
EASTER MESSAGE 2020 AMIDST COVID-19 This Easter 2020 is being celebrated in our own homes amidst the physical and mental difficulties of COVID-19; collective trauma, grief, loss of loved ones, tensions over job losses and vigilance for safety amongst others. Despite all this, as Christians we carry the hope of Easter. We have a […]Read More
MAUNDY THURSDAY 2020 VISITING 7 HOLY PLACES IN YOUR OWN HOME This video describes a kind of journey within your own home for Maundy Thursday 2020. This tradition is a sort of pilgrimage to various churches correspond to each of the seven places, or “stations,” that were made by Jesus between the Last Supper in […]Read More
We are experiencing great contrasts. In a time where we want more closeness we’re called for social distancing to protect life. Our desire for closeness is reignited after a long winter. In a time where we need the stories of the elderly to recover wisdom for uncharted waters, children and young people are asked to […]Read More
This article explains what is evasive behaviour and how you can get out of it. Understanding Evasive Behaviour You’re in the midst of a difficult and unpleasant task. You take out your mobile, and before you know it, you’ve spent 20 minutes on social networks. On another time, a painful memory comes to mind, and […]Read More
This article helps you understand more what fear really is and how to deal with it… Fear that life will steal what is important to you Fear is like a labyrinth with many twists and turns. It has a lot of disordered paths where you can easily get lost. What is peculiar to this labyrinth […]Read More
This article describes what it is like to feel insecure and proposes three ways how to find secure ground “Feeling Insecure” Scenario Imagine walking with your eyes covered in an area where, apart from some steady rocks, you know that there is also quicksand, sinkholes, puddles and even mines that can explode if you step […]Read More