A Poem About Who Am I

In this poem the poet describes negative thoughts she has about herself and for each thought she finds a positive answer.
I feel like a failure: pathetic and inadequate.
Shh! I am very emotionally literate.
I know I can be socially awkward: easily intimidated and shy.
Shh! People compliment me on my blue eyes.
Not much of a logical or numerical thinker.
Shh! My friends tell me I can be a good singer.
At times I question the purpose of my existence:
Why did God create me? Wherefore did He send me?
Shh! Maybe I was sent to brighten others’ lives by being caring and friendly.
At times I am too much of an idealist.
Shh! At least I’m not a pessimist.
Too taken in by outside allure.
Shh! Facing difficulties made me mature.
Sometimes my mind is in the clouds, even when focus would be imperative.
Shh! I am very intuitive and sometimes creative.
I can be a quick quitter: I easily give up.
Shh! At least I know how to shut the bad thoughts up.
Cause that’s what I’ve been doing all along:
sing a positive verse when I don’t like the song.
The negative adjectives are so real and they make me so blue.
But that doesn’t stop the positive adjectives from also being true.
Although at times I make myself mad,
Negative thinking will only make me more sad.
I am what I am: all the good and the bad.
I deserve love from myself; no one can love me as much as I can.
Read more:
– How Can I Heal The Shame I Feel?
– A Prayer To Help Me Lose Weight