4 Maltese Professionals Read Laudato Si- Laudato Si Week 2020

These four Maltese professionals from different sectors of society share a common passion, they love the environment, and they have all read Pope Francis’ letter On Care Of Our Common Home. On the occasion of Laudato Si Week 2020, 16th-24th May, they tells us what inspires them from this encyclical and its relevance in today’s scenario.
Prof Paul J. Pace – EkoSkola Programme Co-Ordinator
“In his letter, Pope Francis emphasises the need to change today’s economic model. This model generated development which put profit before the wellbeing of people and creation, promising us a secure future. COVID -19 showed us how trifling this promise was. True development is enjoyed by all, especially the vulnerable. It builds communities of solidarity and respects creation. I hope that we learn from this experience and we won’t repeat the same mistakes.”
Architect Joanna Spiteri Staines – Din L-Art Ħelwa Council Member
“The intrisic qualities of the landscape of Malta and Gozo are very precious to many of us. For this reason, the publication of Laudato Si struck a cord for me personally. For the first time in many years, I felt that I was fighting a battle with the Church on my side; indeed “united by the same concern”. For indeed, to destroy the environment is a form of violence against the earth. The encyclical calls for change to stop the global environmental destruction. However, it also calls for change of our common home and such change must start here on these tiny islands. ”
Prof. Ruben Paul Borg – Chairman of Sustainable Built Malta
“Pope Francis refers to the balance which exists in nature, and how this contrasts directly with the throwaway culture affecting our World. We have been ineffective in the adoption of a circular model of production, which reduces the consumption of non-renewable resources, optimizes their efficient use and which promotes reusing and recycling. Industrial systems need to absorb waste at the end of the cycle. As responsible consumers, we need to put in a greater commitment for the preservation of resources, for present and future generations.”
Prof. Alan Deidun – Ocean Ambassador For Malta
“The Church fully accepts the findings by scientific community, and acknowledges that in matters related to the environment, science should have the final say. I’m glad by this major breakthrough. Besides an economical, political and social reality, there is also a spiritual dimension to the environment. The environment is now deeply entrenched in the Catholic Social Teaching. The poor are the ones who are badly hit by climate change so this is indeed a social justice issue. Laudato Si is a landmark document on how Catholics and non-believers should relate to the environment.”
This article written on the occassion of Laudato Si Week 2020 was worked in collaboration with the Interdiocesan Environmental Commission.
Read more:
– “I Was Raised On The Farm” – 11 Life Lessons From The Field
– Top Pope Francis’ Global And Local Human Solidarity Quotes
It is mostly the politician who has the executive power to destroy or preserve the natural environment. Sadly, very sadly, the authorities, the police, legislation, threats, NGOs and pressure groups, individuals, religion, education, literature … have not been able to preserve our physical environment. This is because there is no love left for Mother Nature. Unless LOVE THY ENVIRONMENT is included as a component – even though not quantufiable – during the process of decision taking, the destruction will continue untill these tiny rocks disappear under “progress”.
Thank you for your comment. May we all play our part as this is essential for a future of peace for all. As Pope Francis said in his Peace message (2021) we should create a culture of care where care for creation is linked to justice and peace.