What Are the Themes in Catholic Social Justice Teachings

The main themes in the Catholic social justice teachings are: human identity, human rights, family, work, environment, economy, politics, the international community, peace. These themes form the social teaching of the Catholic Church which at its core brings the human person at the centre of each discussion.
The Catholic social justice prinsiples teach that individual human beings are the foundation, the cause and the end of every social institution; the person is a priority and comes before any profit or other gains. Thus, human dignity is a recurring theme in the Catholic social justice documents as the human person is the fundamental concern of this teaching.
We humans are social beings by our very nature. We grow in unity with others. The Catholic social justice teachings are thus at the heart of the Church’s mission. The Church contributes to the solution of development through these social justice teachings.
Read more:
To know more – Seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching
To pray – CAFOD Reflections and prayers
To pray on the acts of mercy – “Visit The Sick”
To get involved – Progressio
To be guided how to shop ethically – www.ethicalconsumer.org
To check about companies’ social responsibility – www.betterworldshopper.org
For children, to learn how to protect our planet – www.kidsforsavingearth.org