Top Popes’ Prayer Quotes

1. Faith Begins With Prayer…
“Faith’s inner pilgrimage towards God begins in prayer.”
Pope Benedict 16th, Carmelites General Chapter, 2007
2. Praise Prayer Is Like Shouting When Your Team Scores…
“We often leave aside the prayer of praise. It doesn’t come so easily to us. Some might think that this kind of prayer is only for those who belong to the renewal in the spirit movement, not for all Christians. The prayer of praise is a Christian prayer for all of us. Each day during Mass, when we sing: ‘Holy, Holy…’, this is the prayer of praise… It does not matter if we are good singers. In fact, it is impossible to imagine that you are able to shout out when your team scores a goal and you cannot sing the Lord’s praises, and leave behind your composure a little to sing .
Pope Francis, morning meditation, January 2014
3. Turn To Mary During Prayer…
“We are taught by the Catholic faith that we may pray not only to God himself, but also to the Blessed in heaven… Now, of all the blessed in heaven, who can compare with the august Mother of God in obtaining grace? Who sees more clearly in the Eternal Word what troubles oppress us, what are our needs? Who is allowed more power in moving God? Who can compare with her in maternal affection?”
Pope Leo 13th, On the confraternity of the Holy Rosary, 1897
4. Prayer Is a Key Difference Between Church and NGOs…
“The Church without prayer becomes an NGO.”
Pope Francis, meeting with the clergy, July 2014
5. Priests, Prayer Is The Way Of Moving Forward…
“A priest who does not pray has closed the door, has closed the path of creativity. It is precisely in prayer, when the Spirit makes you feel something, the devil comes and makes you feel another; but prayer is the condition for moving forward. Even if prayer can often seem boring. Prayer is so important. Not only the prayer of the Divine Office, but the liturgy of the Mass, quiet, celebrated well with devotion, personal prayer with the Lord.”
Pope Francis, meeting with the clergy, July 2014
6. Prayer Is The Root Of Peace
“Always, peace is possible! Prayer is the very root of peace. Peace is always possible and our prayer is at the root of peace.
Pope Francis, Angelus, 1st January 2015
Read more:
– Good Education Quotes By Catholic Headteacher
– Top Pope’s Quotes About Mother Mary – The Blessed Virgin