Top Popes’ Human Ecology Quotes

1. Human ecology effects environmental ecology
“When human ecology is respected within society, environmental ecology also benefits.”
Pope Benedict 16th, General Audience, 2009.
2. Human ecology is connected to both God and nature
“We are losing our attitude of wonder, of contemplation, of listening to creation and thus we no longer manage to interpret in it what Benedict XVI calls “the rhythm of the love-story between God and man . Why does this happen? Why do we think and live horizontally, we have drifted away from God, we no longer read his signs… However “cultivating and caring do not only entail the relationship between us and the environment, between man and creation. They also concern human relations. The popes have spoken of a human ecology, closely connected with environmental ecology.
Pope Francis, General Audience, June 2013
3. There are vital links between peace and human ecology
“Experience shows that disregard for the environment always harms human coexistence, and vice versa. It becomes more and more evident that there is an inseparable link between peace with creation and peace among men.
Pope Benedict 16th, “The Garden of God , CUA Press, 2014, p.14
4. The world needs a commitment to human ecology
“There is an urgent need, even within the framework of current international difficulties and tensions, for a commitment to a human ecology that can favour the growth of the “tree of peace . For this to happen, we must be guided by a vision of the person untainted by ideological and cultural prejudices or by political and economic interests which can instil hatred and violence.
Pope Francis, General Audience, 2013, 10
5. The world needs to be analysed in its totality of relationships
“The world cannot be analysed by isolating only one of its aspects, since “the book of nature is one and indivisible , and includes the environment, life, sexuality, the family, social relations, and so forth.
Pope Francis, Care of our Common Home, 2015
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– Top Pope Francis’ Sustainability Quotes