Top Pope Francis’ Quotes On Food

1. Food wastage is stolen food from the poor
“Whenever food is thrown out it is as if it were stolen from the table of the poor, from the hungry! I ask everyone to reflect on the problem of the loss and waste of food, to identify ways and approaches which, by seriously dealing with this problem, convey solidarity and sharing with the underprivileged.”
Pope Francis, General Audience, June 2013
2. Food for everyone is possible when we engage in life giving commitments
“The future is not up somewhere in the clouds, but is rather built by promoting and accompanying processes of greater humanisation. We can dream of a future without hunger, but this is only reasonable when we engage in tangible processes, vital relations, effective plans and real commitments.”
Pope Francis, World Food Day 2018
3. Low quality food affects people’s quality of life
“People’s quality of life actually diminishes , by the deterioration of the environment, the low quality of food… in the midst of economic growth.
Pope Francis, Care of our Common Home, 2015
Read more:
– Food and Faith: A Theology of Eating, Norman Wirzba, 2011
– The Theology of Food: Eating and the Eucharist, Angel F. Mndez-Montoya, 2009
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