Top Pope Francis’ Leadership Quotes

1. A good leader fosters leadership in others
“A leader is a good leader if he or she is able to generate other leaders among the young. If he only wants to be the sole leader, he is a tyrant… If they do not sow leadership in others, they are of no use, they are dictators.”
Pope Francis, Video Conference by CNN, 17th September 2015
2. Service is the only way to good leadership
“For leadership there is only one road: service. There is no other way. If you have many qualities , the ability to communicate, etc. , but you are not a servant, your leadership will fail, it is useless, it has not power to gather [people] together… Leadership must enter into service, but with a personal love for the people.”
Pope Francis, Address, 12th May 2014
3. Leadership is closeness, service, humility, poverty and sacrifice
“I once heard about a parish priest: “That man knew the name of all the people of his district, even the names of the dogs! . It is beautiful! He was close, he knew each one, he knew the history of all the families, he knew everything. And he helped. He was so close Closeness, service, humility, poverty and sacrifice.”
Pope Francis, Address, 12th May 2014
4. When your time comes, lead
“Be leaders wherever it behooves you to be. Leaders of thought, leaders of action, leaders of joy, leaders of hope, leaders of the construction of a better world.”
Pope Francis, Video Conference by CNN, 17th September 2015
5. We have a leadership gap when it comes to leading with future generations in mind
“We lack leadership capable of striking out on new paths and meeting the needs of the present with concern for all and without prejudice towards coming generations.”
Pope Francis, On Care For Our Common Home, 2015, 53
6. Leading young people includes leading the excluded ones
“Popular leaders, then, are those able to make everyone, including the poor, the vulnerable, the frail and the wounded, part of the forward march of youth. They do not shun or fear those young people who have experienced hurt or borne the weight of the cross.”
Pope Francis, Christus Vivit, 2019, 231
7. Priests, lead like shepherds, smell like your flock
“Be shepherds, with the “odour of the sheep , make it real, as shepherds among your flock, fishers of men.”
Pope Francis, Homily, 28th March 2013
Catholic Leadership Quotes
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