Single Parents’ Prayer

This single parents’ prayer poem asks God for support, guidance, wisdom and strength.
I know that, God, You’ve not ordained
a family to be led by one,
but there’s no way to change the past
or undo what has been done.
And so, dear Lord, I come today
for Strength and Guidance too,
as I am a Single Parent
and solely must depend on You!
I can’t depend upon myself because
alone I cannot stand.
I need You standing by my side,
holding to my hand.
Oh, cover me, dear Jesus,
with Meekness lest I see
old wounds of bitterness and pride
re-established deep in me.
I’ve already asked forgiveness
for what’s transpired, and passed,
but I need constant re-assurance
that I’m in Your will at last.
When I face ugly disappointments,
let me draw on Your vast supply
of Wisdom and of Knowledge
so I’ll do more than “just get by.”
A double-dose of Courage will
help me stand up to Responsibility
so I’ll be a better parent,
equipped with Stability.
Although my schedule’s very hectic
with so much more to do,
teach me to be a Spiritual Leader
as I daily lean on You.
Please help me to develop skills
my child needs to observe in me,
so I can mend that tender heart
for Peace within my family.
Help me squeeze in Quality Time
to enjoy watching my child grow…
time to create Lasting Memories
when Love and Happiness flow.
I promise, Lord, to follow You
even when days seem long or drear.
Help me hold tight to Your hand
and eradicate my fear.
When I’m feeling desperate, lonely,
give me Hope and Grace to see
that I never have been all alone…
for You’ve been right here with me!
Dorothea (Dotty) K. Barwick