A Prayer Experience

In this article Sr Catherine Seychell describes her prayer experience as ,”an experience of being loved and appreciated for who I am! In my deep connectedness with the One who created me”.
What a wonderful feeling it is to feel really known deeply and embraced in love for who you are! It is so beautiful when we experience this in some true and deep relationship. It builds us up! Fills us with dignity and self esteem.
Human relations are bound to undergo change and decay
It is beautiful when we experience this in human relationships. Yet everything created is contingent, it is bound to undergo change and decay. It is bound to go through flows, ups and downs, limited by space and time. Nothing created is limitless. Yet, it is amazing how deep, deep in our profondity, we do feel infinity and a profound depth that nobody else can possibly fathom and penetrate.
“To connect to the infinity within me, I need to connect to infinity itself”
God created me in His image and likeness! He knitted me in my mother’s womb! He knows me through and through! He embraces me from front and back! (Ps. 139:5) To really feel connected with this profondity, infinity within me, I need to get connected with the one who is profondity, infinity itself. I need to get connected with the One who knitted me and knows me through and through! How beautiful to feel embraced in love, by the very source, being, who created me and knitted my every atom, quality, beauty that He poured, invested in me! Who can know me better, love me better than the one who knitted me! Created me so lovingly!
How beautiful to watch a child, a baby, sleeping peacefully, or relating playfully in his/her mother’s/father’s arms! It is so nurturing for both of them! It builds the child’s emotional strength. It teaches the child that he is precious and is loved. It, of course, melts the heart of the mother/father to pour their love on their offspring! And to watch their child sleeping peacefully or relating playfully with them.
“If people call this prayer, I need it so much”
This is my prayer experience after all! I need to feel known, loved and appreciated. Who can better satisfy this, my deepest need, better than the One from whom I eminated, who created me, who knit me and knows and loves me through and through. He longs and desires to have me in His loving arms, in order to pour on me His infinite, unfathomable love for me!
I need to experience being loved and appreciated for who I am! In my deep connectedness with the One who created me, there, in His embrace, I experience wholeness! Connectedness! Loved! Dignity! What a beautiful therapy of love is prayer! I need it Lord! I need you to embrace me, to know me through and through! How can you ever withdraw love from your very masterpiece who is me! Give me your grace Lord to penetrate your deep love for me! Give me your grace to throw myself in your loving arms, as a child throws herself in her mother’s/father’s arms! Teach me Jesus! Give me your grace to realise how much I need this therapy of Love! In your loving, fatherly, friendly embrace, I learn that I am wonderfully made and loved by you! This knowledge is beyond me! (Ps 139:6) Yet I want to experience it! This loving therapy is so beautiful for me! If people call this prayer, Lord, I need it so much!
Lord, teach me to pray! I need it very badly this therapy of love!
Read more:
– Feeling Insecure – Love As The Greatest Security