Pope Francis’ Quote on Reconciliation

1. Jesus Gives The Keys Of Forgiveness To The Church
“The Church accompanies the sinner in the journey of conversion. It is a little difficult to understand how a man can forgive sins, but Jesus gives this power. The Church is the depository of the power of the keys, of opening or closing to forgiveness. God forgives every man in his sovereign mercy, but he himself willed that those who belong to Christ and to the Church receive forgiveness by means of the ministers of the community…
In this way Jesus calls us to live out reconciliation in the ecclesial, the community, dimension as well. And this is very beautiful. The Church, who is holy and at the same time in need of penitence, accompanies us on the journey of conversion throughout our life. The Church is not mistress of the power of the keys, but a servant of the ministry of mercy and rejoices every time she can offer this divine gift.
Pope Francis, General Audience, 20th November 2013
2. Confession Is A Good Opportunity During Lent
“The confessional is not a torture chamber, but the place in which the Lord’s mercy motivates us to do better.”
Interview With Pope Francis by Fr Antonio Spadaro, September 2013
Read more:
– Examination Of Conscience For Adults And Teens
– Healing A Difficult Father Daughter Relationship – A Spiritual Experience