Friendship Quotes by the Fathers of the Church

1. A true friend suffers with his neighbour – St Maximus the Confessor
“A true friend is one who in times of trial calmly and imperturbably suffers with his neighbour the ensuing afflictions, privations and disasters as if they were his own.”
Maximus the Confessor
2. Friendship has a wide range – St Augustine of Hippo
“The claims of friendship, moreover, are not to be confined within too narrow range, for it embraces all to whom love and kindly affection are due, although the heart goes out to some of these more freely, to others more cautiously.”
Augustine of Hippo, Letter 130, 13
3. No treasure is comparable to a genuine friend – St John Chrysostom
“Though you should name infinite treasures, none of them is comparable to a genuine friend. And first let us speak of the great delight of friendship itself. A friend rejoices at seeing his friend, and his heart expands with joy. He is tied to him with an union of soul that affords unspeakable pleasure. I speak of genuine friends, men of one soul, who would even die for each other, who love each other fervently.”
John Chrysostom, Homily II on I Thessalonians
Thank you to Fr Jonathan Farrugia from Malta and Mike Aquilina from Canada for their support in compiling the Fathers Of The Church quotes.