Easter – A Personal Call to Love

In the following reflection, Elisabetta Grimaldi reflects upon the role that Easter can play in each of our lives. What does God want of us this Eastertide? What message is He trying to send?
Easter has always been my favourite Celebration. Since I was little girl, I always liked to remember the passion of Christ and the deep “love-message” behind it. Unfortunately, I think that we as human beings often forget about the importance of loving, about True Love:
Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other (John 13:34)
A Universal Call to Love
This is the primary message that I think God is telling us this Easter. When we have God “fully alive” inside of our hearts, when we have our eyes on Him, then we are able to see Him in the “faces” of the people around us too. God helps us to see the divinity in our fellow friends (and even of strangers).
This Easter, God is especially calling us to open our hearts to our enemies and to all of the people that are hard for us to love or to even care about. He is calling us to be more welcoming and less exclusive. Indeed, it is important to remind ourselves of our place on this Earth (of our role as human beings made in God’s image) and of the mission that we are all called to uniquely accomplish.
So along the way, remember to follow God’s steps and to do what He’s calling you to do! A friend of mine once said that following God’s will means loving. If you do things for others with Christ’s love and show it with joy and compassion, then you’re already fulfilling His will.
Love requires Sacrifice
But love also requires sacrifice in different aspects. At the end of the day, love is about sacrifices that are worth making. Even if it feels like it doesn’t make sense, even if it feels painful, even if you don’t feel sure of it, if God is calling you to do it, trust the word of your Lord and reassure your heart with His presence.
Thus, let’s all try to listen to what God is calling us to do this Easter. Let’s try to love more. We must remember Jesus’s sacrifice and see it as a way to be better people. Not just better Christians, but better human beings. Only with love and a good dedication to others, can we live a fulfilled life! Ultimately, Christ’s love is a guide: a sign to us that proves that love always has the final word – and that Easter is a precious Personal call to Love, a call that leads to Freedom.
To end this reflection of mine, I’d like to leave you with a message, hoping that it might touch your heart and help you to make a change in your life. I strongly believe that we were put on this Earth to live for others, not for ourselves. So make a good use of your love! 🙂
Wishing everyone a happy Easter!
Lisa Grimaldi.