TOP POPES’ QUOTES ABOUT SUFFERING 1. Hospitals Should Be The Place Where Suffering Should Be Acknowledged “The role of hospitals, clinics and convalescent homes… should not merely be institutions where care is provided for the sick or the dying. Above all they should be places where suffering, pain and death are acknowledged and understood in […]Read More
TOP QUOTES BY POPE FRANCIS ON MERCY 1. Our Judgements Need Mercy “Look in the mirror before judging others.” Pope Francis, Homily, 20th June 2016 2. A Merciful Heart Sees Opportunities Of Compassion “Mercy always has a youthful face! Because a merciful heart is motivated to move beyond its comfort zone. A merciful heart can […]Read More
SHORT MIGRATION QUOTES Migration Quote 1 – Sr Anne Francoise “Please take pity on these thousands of lives, torn apart by war. Please don’t forget us. We need your prayers and your practical help! Sr Anne-Francoise, Syria, 2016 Migration Quote 2 – Antoinio Gutteres “We can’t deter people fleeing for their lives. They will come. […]Read More
TOP POPE FRANCIS’ QUOTES ABOUT MARRIAGE 1. Marriage is a mix of enjoyment and struggles “Marriage is an inevitable mixture of enjoyment and struggles, tensions and repose, pain and relief, satisfactions and longings, annoyances and pleasures, but always on the path of friendship, which inspires married couples to care for one another: “they help and […]Read More
BIOETHICS QUOTES BY FAMOUS PEOPLE Bioethics Quote 1: Euthanasia – Cicely Saunders “Suffering is only intolerable when nobody cares.” Cicely Saunders Bioethics Quote 2: Respect for Human Life – Warnock Report “Scientists have always observed and agreed that once the process of development has begun, there is no part of the developmental process that […]Read More
TOP POPE FRANCIS’ QUOTES ABOUT THE CHURCH 1. Let’s Be A Welcoming Church “The Church is called to be the house of the Father, with doors always wide open. One concrete sign of such openness is that our church doors should always be open, so that if someone, moved by the Spirit, comes there looking for […]Read More
CATHOLIC SOCIAL JUSTICE QUOTES FROM THE POPES 1. It is more important to love than to obey “Take care of the poor and the outcast! The Bible is full of these exhortations. The Lord says: it is not important to me that you do this or that, it is important to me that the orphan […]Read More
SHORT CHURCH QUOTES BY FAMOUS PEOPLE Church Quote 1 – Oliver Friggieri “The Church may have let us down, but the same fundamental principles for which she stands still beckon.” Oliver Friggieri Church Quote 2 – Stephen Colbert “I love my church , warts and all. Are there flaws in the Church? Absolutely. But is […]Read More
TRUE LOVE QUOTES BY FAMOUS PEOPLE Love Quote 1 – Jean Vanier “To love someone does not mean first of all to do things for that person; it means helping her to discover her own beauty, uniqueness, the light hidden in her heart and the meaning of her life.” Jean Vanier Love Quote 2 – William […]Read More
TOP POPES’ QUOTES ABOUT PEACE 1. There Is No Peace Without Justice “No peace without justice, no justice without forgiveness…Peace is essential for development, but true peace is made possible only through forgiveness. ” Pope John Paul 2nd, World Day of Peace, 2002 2. Peace Is Always Possible “Always, peace is possible! We have to […]Read More