TOP POPE BENEDICT 16TH’S CATHOLIC EDUCATION QUOTES 1. Non-Catholics And Catholics Studying Together Enrich Each Other “I know that there are many non-Catholics studying in the Catholic schools in Great Britain, and I wish to include all of you in my words today. I pray that you too will feel encouraged to practise virtue and […]Read More
TOP POPES’ QUOTES ABOUT SACRED MUSIC 1. Music is greater than any other art “The musical tradition of the universal Church is a treasure of inestimable value, greater even than that of any other art.” Vatican Council 2, The Constitution of The Sacred Liturgy, 1963, 112. 2. Creating opportunity to participate in music is crucial […]Read More
TOP POPE BENEDICT 16TH MENTAL HEALTH QUOTES 1. The situation of mental health in the world “The problems connected with mental disturbance that now afflicts one-fifth of humanity and is a real social-health care emergency.” 2. To workers and volunteers in the mental health sector “I commend pastoral workers and voluntary associations and organisations to support […]Read More
St Paul wrote many letters to Churches he founded or visited which we can find in the Bible. Jokingly it is said that to the Church in Malta which he founded after being shipwrecked in Malta (Acts 28: 1-10) he did not even send a card. In this imaginary letter compiled from St Paul’s own […]Read More
TOP POPE QUOTE ON OTHER RELIGIONS “The Catholic Church rejects nothing that is true and holy in these religions (Hinduism, Buddhism). She regards with sincere reverence those ways of conduct and of life, those precepts and teachings which, though differing in many aspects from the ones she holds and sets forth, nonetheless often reflect a […]Read More
Quotes About Jesus From The Fathers Of The Church 1. Jesus, the human and the divine – Gregory of Nazianzen “Our humanity was joined to and made one with God in order that I too might be made God as truly as He is made human:He was born , but He had been begotten eternally. […]Read More
POPE FRANCIS’ INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES ON RELIGIOUS LIFE 1. Consecrated people are meant to bring hope to discouraged hearts “Totally consecrated to God, they are totally given to their brothers, to bring the light of Christ wherever the shadows are darkest in order to spread his hope to discouraged hearts.” Pope Francis, Angelus, 2nd Feb 2014 […]Read More
TOP POPES’ QUOTES ABOUT THE TRUTH OF THE BIBLE 1. Through the Bible we get to know God’s presence in human history “The Bible is not a historical curio, but “the work of the Holy Spirit, through which we can hear the very voice of the Lord and know his presence in history , our human history.” […]Read More
TOP POPES’ QUOTES ABOUT CHILDREN 1. The sufferings of children are only reasons for us to love them more “From the first moments of their lives, some are rejected, abandoned, and robbed of their infancy and future. There are those who say it is a mistake to bring these children into the world, due to […]Read More
Headteacher Quotes On Good Education Maltese, Catholic, ex-headteacher shares lessons she has learnt through these quotes about good education. Quote 1 – Good education takes place when the whole person is educated “Physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually – leaving out any of these makes a failure of education! We are working hard to eradicate illiteracy – and […]Read More