Top Popes’ Quotes About Children

1. The sufferings of children are only reasons for us to love them more
“From the first moments of their lives, some are rejected, abandoned, and robbed of their infancy and future. There are those who say it is a mistake to bring these children into the world, due to their fragility, and the hunger and poverty they suffer. But children are never a mistake, and their sufferings are only reasons for us to love them even more. Every child who begs on the streets, who is denied an education or medical care, is a cry to God. Too often, these children become prey to criminals, who exploit them for commerce or violence. Even in wealthy countries, they suffer due to family crises and living conditions which are at times inhumane. In every case, their childhood is violated in body and soul.”
Pope Francis, Audience, Vatican Radio, 2015
2. Girls should be treated on an equal basis with boys
“Children need the positive environment of a stable family life that will ensure their development to human maturity , girls on an equal basis with boys. The Church historically has demonstrated in action, as well as in word, the importance of educating the girl,child and providing her with health care, particularly where she may not otherwise have had these benefits.
Pope John Paul 2nd, Letter to secretary general of the fourth world conference on women of the United Nations, 1995
3. Pray for children who are in danger of the interruption of pregnancy
“We carry forward the culture of life as the answer to the logic of rejection and demographic decline; let us be close and together let us pray for the babies who are threatened by the termination of pregnancy, as well as for the people who are at the end of life , every life is sacred! , so that no one may be left alone and that love may defend the meaning of life.
Pope Francis, Angelus, 2017
4. Children with brain disorders require help and solidarity
“The family, a place of love and concern for its neediest members, can and must be the best place to collaborate with science and technology in the service of health. At times some families are put to the test , a harsh test , when children are born with cerebral impairments. These situations require fortitude and special solidarity from parents and other family members.”
Pope John Paul 2nd, Address, 1997
5. Both imbalances of poverty and consumerism badly affect our children
“It is certainly one of the great scandals of our society, with the immense progress that it has been able to achieve in technology and science, that so many children are among those who suffer most intensely. And it is even sadder to note that such children, and especially the poorest of them, are often the first to be hit by economic depression and its consequences.
The scandalous imbalances which exist within our society are reflected in a particular way amongst our children: while in one sector of our world children are suffering the lack of the most elementary human necessities, in other sectors children from the earliest age are being inserted into a society based on consumerism, possession, and even waste.”
Pope John Paul 2nd, Address, 1984.