Inspirational Quotes for Social Justice

Social Justice Quote 1 – St Vincent De Paul
“I shouldn’t judge poor peasants, men and women, by their surface appearance, nor by their apparent mental capacities. And this is hard to do, since very frequently they scarcely seem to have the semblance or the intelligence of reasonable beings, so gross and so offensive are they. But, turn the coin, and you will see by the light of faith that the Son of God, whose will it was to be poor, is represented to us by just these people.”
St Vincent De Paul
Social Justice Quote 2 – Albert Debono
“The road towards social justice is made up of very small choices which we do in our daily life. It does not exclude the big deeds but in reality the small choices on a daily basis can change the world.
Albert Debono – a youth worker in Catholic ministry with experience in the field of Fair Trade
Social Justice Quote 3 – Fr Binoy Puthusery CM
The poor have much to teach us. This may be one the reasons why Vincent told us that “the poor are our masters.” Like the poor widow of the Gospel, their faith is great. Their patience and endurance amidst suffering make them more like Christ. Their love is true and the joy is real. We can never become true evangelisers of the poor, unless we are not evangelised by them first.
Fr Binoy Puthusery CM
Read more:
– Catholic Social Justice Quotes From the Popes
– “I Work With Prostitutes” – The Negative Effects Of Prostitution