TOP POPES’ ANTI TERRORISM QUOTES 1. Terrorism Is Unacceptable Because It Uses Innocent People “The absolute unacceptability of terrorism lies precisely in the fact that it uses innocent people as means to obtain its ends, thus showing contempt and utter disregard for human life and dignity. Intervention of the Holy See at the General Assembly of the United […]Read More
TERRORISM AND ANTI TERRORISM QUOTES BY FAMOUS PEOPLE Terrorism Quote 1 & 2 – Malala Yousafzi “The more you speak against Islam and against all Muslims, the more terrorists it will create.” “With guns you can kill terrorists, with education you can kill terrorism.” Malala Yousafzai Terrorism Quote 3 – Muhammad Ali “Terrorists are not […]Read More
Prayer Of Abandonment In God This prayer of abandonment in God by Charles De Foucauld was of great comfort to Father Jacques Mourad , a great contributor to religious dialogue, who used to recite this prayer when he was captured by ISIS in Syria between May-Oct 2015. “Father, I abandon myself into your hands; do with me […]Read More
BIBLE VERSES ABOUT FAMILY LOVE 1. Respect Your Parents “Honour your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.” Exodus 20:12 2. Parents Know What’s Good For Their Offspring “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a […]Read More
FAITH AND SPORTS QUOTES 1. Sports Unveils The Beauty Of Creation “I would like to emphasise the role of sports as a means for the mission and sanctification. The Church is called to be a sign of Jesus Christ in the world, also through the sports practiced in oratories, parishes, schools, and associations… Every occasion […]Read More
TOP POPE FRANCIS’ QUOTES ON FOOD 1. Food wastage is stolen food from the poor “Whenever food is thrown out it is as if it were stolen from the table of the poor, from the hungry! I ask everyone to reflect on the problem of the loss and waste of food, to identify ways and […]Read More
DEATH QUOTES BY FAMOUS PEOPLE Death Quote 1 – Fr James V. Schall SJ “This supernatural destiny was freely offered to man by God who desires each person, including the aborted, to gain eternal life. But because God respects the freedom given man to accept or reject the divine invitation, he allows each person to […]Read More
MENTAL HEALTH QUOTES BY FAMOUS PEOPLE Mental Health Quote 1 – Gary Zukav “When you welcome your emotions as teachers, every emotion brings good news, even the ones that are painful.” Gary Zukav Mental Health Quote 2 – Jean Vanier “Depression is a painful reality, a crisis, but at the same time crisis can bring […]Read More
QUOTES ON NATURE AND ENVIRONMENT BY FAMOUS PEOPLE Nature – Environment Quote 1 – Stephen Schwartz “The rainstorm and the river are my brothers The heron and the otter are my friends And we are all connected to each other In a circle in a hoop that never ends.” Stephen Scwartz lyricist of the song […]Read More
TOP POPES’ QUOTES ABOUT OUR BODY 1. Accept Your Body And The World As A Gift “The acceptance of our bodies as God’s gift is vital for welcoming and accepting the entire world as a gift from the Father.” Pope Francis, Care Of Our Common Home, 2015 2. The Male/Female Difference Is Still Important “Valuing one’s own body […]Read More