Prayer For Body Acceptance The author of this prayer lives with celebral palsy “Father, there are days when it’s hard to accept my body; I hate looking at my outward appearance. I hate being me. Thank you so much for your word. I am your child and you are not ashamed of my body. You […]Read More

Mike Matthews
Mike was born with cerebral palsy in 1981. He has worked in ministry with young people, homeless and people battling addictions. He has also been involved with the disability rights movement since he was 17 and advocated in Washington DC on issues that impact the lives of people with disabilities. Mike is currently the assistant director of a disability organisation that teaches people with disabilities how to be independent. Mike lives in Washington Pennsylvania with his wife Robin and their son, Reese.
There are days that I have a very hard time living in my body. I’m hating my cerebral palsy and dealing with my limitations. I believe the lies that culture screams at me about not adding up to other people. But God’s word breaks through the noisy world and sings to my heart. He redeemed […]Read More